Habitat Horticulture Internship Opportunity
UNPAID | DEADLINE: Wednesday, 8/28
This team will be focusing on climate-ready gardening, gardening maintenance, and a few outreach events. This is a great year-long opportunity for undergraduate students who wish to learn more about the behind the scenes of the beautiful gardens around us. Application is through this link. Recruitment ends on Wednesday, August 28th.
Habitat Horticulture
Staff Mentor
Rachel Davis | Email
GATEways Horticulturist
This team engages students in hands-on learning and community outreach as we transform our landscapes into urban habitat. We focus on climate-ready landscapes that support biodiversity, with an emphasis on plant-wildlife interactions. This team’s work is centered in the habitat gardens of the Environmental GATEway, located at the west end of the Arboretum and Public Garden. Students will use this area as a living laboratory with collections that include the hummingbird garden, the insect pollinator gardens, the native meadow basin, and the large-scale stormwater management system.
Interns will get an introduction to plant and local wildlife identification, garden maintenance, landscape design, and species monitoring. Learning how to identify native and climate-ready plant species, along with the ecosystem services they provide will be heavily emphasized. Interns will actively participate in public outreach events and communicate the importance of habitat horticulture.
Quarters: Fall through Spring
Schedule: 3 hours/week commitment for the entire school year
Units: 1 unit/quarter
Habitat Horticulture Projects
Click here to learn more about the types of projects Learning by Leading Habitat Horticulture interns lead.