UC Davis named tree campus U.S.A. for 8 years straight
UC Davis has been named “Tree Campus USA” for the eighth year in a row by the Arbor Day Foundation! We are one of nine universities in California to receive the designation, one of two Universities of California (UCI is the other), and one of 28 in the nation to have the title since its inception in 2008.
The Tree Campus USA program recognizes college and university campuses that effectively manage their campus trees, develop connectivity with the community beyond campus borders to foster healthy urban forests, and strive to engage their student population utilizing service learning opportunities centered on campus, and community forestry efforts.
What does it take to be named a “Tree Campus USA”?
- Campus Tree Advisory Committee
- Campus Tree Care Plan
- Campus Tree Program with Dedicated Annual Expenditures
- Arbor Day Observance
- Service Learning Project
In year’s past our “Campus Tree Care Plan” included planting one hundred or more trees, this year our Arboretum and Public Garden Grounds and Landscape Services team focused on keeping our trees alive and healthy in the face of our statewide drought. They managed this feat by utilizing over 200 “SaplingSoakers.” (LEARN MORE.) These slow-release watering bags allow young trees planted in un-irrigated areas like lawns to get the water they need and where they need it — deep in the ground and directly to their roots.
Congratulations to the Arboretum and Public Garden’s Grounds and Landscape Services team for taking care of our trees and keeping them a priority for our campus and the environment!