Create and celebrate at Pollinator Discovery Day
What’s all the buzz about pollinators? Find out Sunday, May 20 from 1–4 p.m. at “Pollinator Discovery Day” in the UC Davis Arboretum’s Hummingbird GATEway Garden (located just north of the Arboretum Teaching Nursery on Garrod Drive).
Attendees at this free event will learn about a variety of pollinators including bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, how the UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden supports their habitat needs throughout its campus landscapes and how everyone can to do the same at home.
Here is a brief overview of what guests can expect from the 14+ stations featuring pollinator education and activities for all ages:
Give wood-nesting bees a place to lay their eggs by building your own bamboo bee condo. Learn from Master Gardeners about the value native pollinators provide our local ecosystem and how your garden can nurture them throughout the year. Get inspired to create your own hummingbird paradise by chatting with Levy Hernandez, the UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden Learning by Leading™ intern who worked extensively on designing the campus’s new Hummingbird GATEway Garden and join interactive tours of the Arboretum’s Environmental GATEway gardens.
The teams involved in this event have also prepared plenty of fun learning activities for children of all ages — experience the five senses of bat and bee pollinators, learn how hummingbirds fly, create ceramic tiles with decorative dried flowers, make your own bird feeders, play pollinator-themed games and more!
“At this event we want to celebrate the importance of pollinators to our environment,” says Vivian Le, UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden Learning by Leading™ intern. “We also want to teach home gardeners the importance of creating pollinator habitats at home.”
Check out this link to the event location map and a complete list of all the Pollinator Discovery Day stations!
For more information, visit the Facebook events page titled “Pollinator Discovery Day.”
Click here for more information about gardening for pollinators.