Friends support group seeks to raise funds for student-led, educational programming
THE FRIENDS OF THE UC DAVIS ARBORETUM AND PUBLIC GARDEN SUPPORT GROUP is an incredible partner in growing the Arboretum and Public Garden. In addition to providing volunteer service and hosting the plant sales, the Friends group also raises funds from the community to invest in the Arboretum and Public Garden’s programs, gardens and people.
This year, the Friends’ annual appeal is focused on raising $30,000 from individual members and donors to support the Environmental Education strand of the Learning by Leading Program.
The Environmental Education strand involves teams of UC Davis students designing and offering educational programs for the public. It’s a wonderful win-win as the UC Davis students, mentored by Arboretum and Public Garden staff members, gain leadership experience and skills while families from the region have free access to high-quality, student-led programs in the Arboretum and Public Garden.
Each strand of the Learning by Leading Program requires external investment to support the mentoring, student development activities and supplies. Corporations and foundations have committed funds to enhance other aspects of Learning by Leading; the Friends are focused on supporting the Environmental Education strand to reflect the group’s passion for community engagement and outreach.
To support the Friends annual appeal and the Learning by Leading program, please GO ONLINE TO MAKE A DONATION. If you’ve already made a gift to the Friends annual appeal this year, thank you!